LibreTexts Announces Easier Account Creation

27 Apr, 2020 Jennifer Rogers 0 Comment

Due to the ongoing COVID19 emergency, LibreTexts usage has grown substantially. The LibreTexts team is instituting new procedure to handle the increased volume of requests for accounts. While OER content hosted on the LibreTexts platform is completely free for faculty, students, and educators to use, new Instructors and Construction Teams require freely available accounts to customize texts (remixes), set up a course shells for your institution, or put a new course into an existing shell.

If you'd like to request an account, simply click on the link below and follow the directions.

To set up an instructor's account fill out the form at:

A team member will respond to your request within a day. When your account is set up you will receive an Email from MindTouch. Registration gives access to a personal sandbox where you can mix your own material with resources from the LibreTexts bookshelves to create custom books. Note this level of access is considered a training license which will be upgraded when you have completed your text.

Once you have put together the textbook you want and other materials, we will establish a course shells for your institution/class and create files for direct printing of the branded textbook. You can also simply import the course into your LMS.

Increasingly people want to collaborate on OER creation as teams. To set up a collaborative sandbox where your team can work together, all team members must first register as instructors. After your individual accounts have been created we have set up a Team Registry to give team members access as editors to your new Sandbox. The team leader should fill out the form at:

If you already have or know about OER you'd like to import into the LibreTexts platform for easy access you can submit it here:

Note any material submitted via this form must have an open license. You will be notified with an approximate ETA once your resource has been accepted into the queue. By importing material into the LibreTexts platform you will have the ability to remix it with other resources from across LibreTexts 13 living libraries, and revise it using the other features LibreTexts provides, such as just in time printing files, hypothesis etc.  While priority in this process will be given to institutions that are members of our LibreNet community, we have a team of over 70 students and faculty working on this effort and welcome any and all submissions. If you'd like to reach out the LibreTexts team directly, you can do so in a number of ways:

Email us at: for all inquiries.

We also offer weekly Libretexts Office Hours Zoom meetings (open to all):

Tuesdays ( at 9:00am (PDT)

Thursdays ( at 9:00am (PDT)

The full LibreTexts Construction Guide can be found online.

We also have a number of Construction Forums for collaboration with discipline Specific Forums available (here). The LibreTexts YouTube Channel can be found here.